Another very important factor in third party technology is false reports. False reports are written or spoken statements which turn out to be groundless or deceitful or which knowingly contain lies.
We know that a third party is necessary to any quarrel.
In reviewing several organizational upsets, it was found that the third party can go completely overlooked even in intensive investigation.
By giving false reports on others, a third party causes harm and wreaks havoc amongst individuals and groups.
In several cases an organization has lost several guiltless staff members. They were dismissed or disciplined in an effort to solve upsets. Yet the turbulence continued and the area became even more upset by reason of the dismissals.
Running this back further, one finds that the real third party, eventually unearthed, got people shot by false reports.
One source of this is as follows:
Staff member X goofs. He is very furious and defensive at being accused. He blames his goof on somebody else. That somebody else gets disciplined. Staff member X diverts attention from himself by various means including falsely accusing others.
This is a third party action which results in a lot of people being blamed and disciplined. And the real third party remaining undetected.
The missing point of justice here is that the disciplined persons were not faced with their accusers and were not given the real accusation and so could not confront it.
Another case would be a third party simply spreading tales and making accusations out of malice or some even more vicious motive. This would be a usual third party action. It is ordinarily based on false reports.
Another situation comes about when a person in charge of some area who can’t get the area straight starts to investigate, gets third party false reports about it, disciplines people accordingly and totally misses the real third party. This upsets the area even more.
The basis of all really troublesome third party activities is then false reports.
There can also be false perception. One sees things that don’t exist and reports them as “fact.”
Therefore we see that we can readily run back an investigation by following a chain of false reports.
In at least one case the third party (discovered only after it was very plain that only he could have wrecked two areas of the organization, one after the other) also had these characteristics:
1. Goofed in his own actions
2. Furiously contested any reports filed on him
3. Obsessively changed everything when taking over an area
4. Falsely reported actions, accusing others
5. Had a high casualty rate of staff in his area
These are not necessarily common to all third parties but give you an idea of what can go on
From experience in dealing with ethics and justice matters in groups it is apparent that the real source of upset in an area would be false reports accepted and acted upon without confronting the accused with all charges and his or her accusers.
A person with any degree of authority in a group should not accept any accusation and act upon it. To do so undermines the security of one and all. One could, as a start, refuse to act on any information unless it were proven by personal investigation not to be the action of some third party.
On being presented with an accusation or “evidence” a person in charge of some activity should conduct an investigation of false reports and false perceptions. In this way one can then verify such reports and arrive at the true source of the trouble and avoid disciplining individuals who may be innocent.
Justice, then, would consist of a refusal to accept any report not substantiated by actual, independent data, seeing that all such reports are investigated and that all investigations include confronting the accused with the accusation and where feasible the accuser, before any disciplinary action is undertaken or any penalty assigned.
While this may slow the processes of justice, the personal security of the individual is totally dependent upon establishing the full truth of any accusation before any action is taken.