L. Ron Hubbard’s discovery and codification of the Third Party Law was a major breakthrough-just one of many made in his extensive research into human relations and administrative technology. The following references are advised for study by anyone interested in these areas.
A collection of L. Ron Hubbard’s essays on a wide variety of subjects including justice, professionalism, the anatomy of failure, human character and man’s search for his soul. Each essay contains invaluable insights and practical knowledge.
Introduction to Scientology Ethics
Augments knowledge of the Third Party Law with L. Ron Hubbard’s development of a workable system of ethics. This book provides a framework for application of third party technology and will assist both in conducting third party investigations and dealing effectively with a third party once found. In addition to its use in discovering and handling the source of conflicts, the technology of ethics is essential if one hopes to lead a happy and successful life.