Start Course
The Scientology Handbook

Scientology fundamentals for daily use in every part of life. Encompassing 19 separate bodies of technology, here is the most comprehensive manual ever published on the basics of life.

Suggestions for Further Study on Scientology technology

This section contains some fundamental applications of Dianetics and Scientology to the raising of children. The materials listed below provide more of Mr. Hubbard’s breakthroughs related to giving a child a happy and fulfilling life, and are recommended study for parents, couples planning a family or anyone who works with children.

Order How to Be a Successful Parent How to Be a Successful Parent

Raising an independent and responsible child is not a hit-or-miss activity. This course contains vital knowledge on the role of love and affection, how to create an understanding relationship with a child, the exact use of discipline without reducing self-determinism, and more.

To understand and raise your child successfully, learn the principles included in the course booklet, do the easy drills and practical exercises, and put the knowledge to use. (Delivered in Scientology organizations.)

Order Child Dianetics On-line Child Dianetics

A new approach to rearing children utilizing the principles of Dianetics. Greatly expands on the material in this section, giving a full understanding of how to apply the techniques presented plus much further data. Includes case histories of children on whom the techniques covered in the book were applied.

With this view of children and the practical measures in Mr. Hubbard’s book, one can engender a child’s love and respect, and help him grow to lead a happy and successful adult life.

Children's Communication Course Children’s Communication Course

This is a course specifically designed for children, not about children.

Mr. Hubbard isolated that communication is a vital part of life and is key to happiness and success. His breakthrough discoveries in this field make it possible for anyone to communicate easily and be really understood.

This course gives a child simple practical exercises to learn basic communication skills which enable him or her to communicate freely with anyone, overcome shyness, get a question answered, handle others with understanding, make himself or herself fully understood, get a point across, and more. Includes an easy-to-read, fully illustrated text and is suitable for children between the ages of 8 and 12. Any child can learn how to communicate well and feel confident in life. (Delivered in Scientology organizations.)

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