Chapters of the Scientology Handbook
- »The Technology of Study
- »The Dynamics of Existence
- »The Components of Understanding
- »The Emotional Tone Scale
- »Communication
- »Assists for Illnesses and Injuries
- »Answers to Drugs
- »How to Resolve Conflicts
- »Integrity and Honesty
- »Ethics and Conditions
- »The Cause of Suppression
- »Solutions for a Dangerous Environment
- »Marriage
- »Children
- »Tools for the Workplace
- »Targets and Goals
- »Basics of Organizing
- »Investigations
- »Fundamentals of Public Relations
The Scientology religion contains workable answers to the problems people face in their lives. The subject matter of Scientology is all life. It contains practical means through which predictable improvement can be obtained in any area to which it is applied.
Scientology recognizes that man is not just so many vials of chemicals fortuitously combined into a remarkable stimulus-response machine. Scientology views man as a spiritual being with native capabilities which can be improved far beyond what is generally believed possible. In fact, it has been demonstrated that man deteriorates to the degree that he denies his spiritual nature and ceases to live with moral values, such as trust, honesty, integrity and other sometimes intangible characteristics.
By seeing man as essentially spiritual, Scientology follows in the traditional view of man and his relationship to the universe. Scientology, however, is unique in that it contains practical means of enabling man to resolve his material concerns and so come to achieve his spiritual aspirations. In this regard Scientology is an improvement over any earlier practice in terms of what it can actually do to help man.
The problems of drugs, education, morals, relationships, trust and others contain solutions in Scientology which do not beget further problems.
The situations to which Scientology can be applied are as varied as human activity itself.
If a child cannot read well and is falling behind the rest of the class, Scientology study technology can help dispense with a liability that would otherwise affect the rest of his or her life.
With Scientology, many, many marriages have been saved and strengthened.
The emphasis in Scientology is on the application of exact methodologies in order to bring about change in the conditions of an individual’s life. The aim of Scientology is to put a person into a condition where he can be more self-determined about living a happier, more fulfilling life.

“We are all involved in some sort of communication in our day-to-day lives, but the real meaning of communication is what I learned in the online course. By definition, I only knew that communication means getting across ideas and information to another person and for communication to take place, it should originate from an individual and be transmitted to another who receives it and acknowledges it.
“After completing this course, I learned the real purpose and importance of communication. I learned not only how to communicate effectively, but also how to get myself recognized by using an effective means of communication. I have also learned the cycles of one-way and two-way communication.
“This course definitely helped me to improve my work efficiency. I am a secretary in the healthcare sector and communication is one of my main duties. It was really of great benefit and was truly a great experience completing this course. I thank you, for providing this great opportunity.” — K.K.
Scientology offers practical solutions to help you improve conditions in your life and the lives of those around you. All the practical techniques used by Volunteer Ministers are drawn from the chapters of The Scientology Handbook. Combined, these chapters provide all the tools you need to confront and resolve virtually any life situation: from resolving marital strife to recovering a friend from drugs and managing a company for optimum success.
“There can be no purpose worth contemplating which does not include happiness and experience. When a man is no longer able to envision happiness as a part of his future, that man is dead.”
— L. Ron Hubbard
Millions of people all over the world have used Scientology to improve their lives and help their fellows. This handbook contains the basic Scientology principles and methods most often employed to help people get along better in interpersonal relationships, be more successful in their work, improve their family life, and effectively help their friends, family and associates do the same.
Scientology does not require that one change his or her beliefs or convictions to use it successfully. All you have to do is apply the data and observe for yourself whether or not it works. You as you are now, can do more good for yourself and for those around you than you ever imagined, and gain enormous personal satisfaction doing it. Select a course from the list on the left to learn more!